A 78 card deck and guidebook to help you deepen your connection, fulfill your purpose, create your alignment, and unleash your magic.

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Four Noble Tarot, Minor Arcana Frances Naude Four Noble Tarot, Minor Arcana Frances Naude

Seven of Cups

When the Seven of Cups tarot card is present, embrace the gift of choice. No option is wrong. Each holds valuable lessons. Focus on desired outcomes. Which path aligns with your goal? Choose with confidence, passion, and peace. Don't be swayed by ego or ease. Trust your intuition and commit to your chosen path.

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Four Noble Tarot, Minor Arcana Frances Naude Four Noble Tarot, Minor Arcana Frances Naude

Eight of Cups

The Eight of Cups tarot card is a sign to surrender, let go, and be brave. Release attachments that no longer serve you. Complete stagnant phases and move forward. Embrace your Highest Light. Trust in the process. As you release what once was, you'll be free to rise and create a new future. Everything will be okay.

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Four Noble Tarot, Minor Arcana Frances Naude Four Noble Tarot, Minor Arcana Frances Naude

Nine of Cups

The Nine of Cups Tarot card encourages you to embrace your emotions and know the Universe supports you. Heal triggers and celebrate wins. Life moves in phases, so create a gratitude list to attract more magic. Trust your Spiritual Team to manifest what you desire. Offer compassion to sadness, take pride in accomplishments, and trust the journey.

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Four Noble Tarot, Minor Arcana Frances Naude Four Noble Tarot, Minor Arcana Frances Naude

Ten of Cups

The Ten of Cups tarot card reminds you to embrace joy, celebration, and success in all areas of life. You're creating your dream life! Trust the process and visualize your ideal future. Let your intuition guide you and turn off your brain. Your Spiritual Team supports your happiness. Follow your heart, and your Divine path will unfold.

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Four Noble Tarot, Minor Arcana Frances Naude Four Noble Tarot, Minor Arcana Frances Naude

Page of Cups

When the Page of Cups tarot card is pulled, embrace your creativity, passion, and big dreams! Make daring choices that light you up, without worrying about others' opinions. Tune into your heart and reconnect with your soul. This is a time of introspection, inspiration, and new opportunities. Challenges may arise, but learn from them and keep growing. Like the lotus flower, rise above the mud and blossom into your full potential.

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Four Noble Tarot, Minor Arcana Frances Naude Four Noble Tarot, Minor Arcana Frances Naude

Knight of Cups

The Knight of Cups tarot card is a a gentle reminder to trust the Universe as you pursue what lights you up. Challenges are opportunities for growth and redirection. Follow your inner voice, even if the path is unclear. Take action aligned with your desires. It may feel daunting, but the first step is all it takes to create a life you love.

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Four Noble Tarot, Minor Arcana Frances Naude Four Noble Tarot, Minor Arcana Frances Naude

Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups tarot card represents to embrace your emotional intelligence. Set boundaries while offering compassion. Allow your own emotions to flow. Ask, "What do I want?" and "How do I want to feel?" Make choices aligned with those answers. Prioritizing your desires empowers you to uplift others. You are the queen of your own kingdom.

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Four Noble Tarot, Minor Arcana Frances Naude Four Noble Tarot, Minor Arcana Frances Naude

King of Cups

The King of Cups tarot card encourages you to practice your mastery of emotions. Share wisdom as a mediator, teacher, or safe space. Balance logic and emotion for creative problem-solving. Tap into Divine Masculine energy for clarity. Retreat, reset, and reevaluate with intuition. Align with your Highest Self and create a life you love.

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Four Noble Tarot, Minor Arcana Frances Naude Four Noble Tarot, Minor Arcana Frances Naude

Ace of Swords

Ace of Swords tarot card reminds us to embrace imminent new beginnings & rapid change. Reflect on life, release old, welcome new. Dream big, no limits. Channel inspiration into focused action. Enlist Spiritual Team's help via rituals, meditation, nature. Trust, transform, and prepare for amazing shifts!

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Four Noble Tarot, Minor Arcana Frances Naude Four Noble Tarot, Minor Arcana Frances Naude

Four of Swords

The Four of Swords Tarot Card invites us to take time to pause. Your path won't stall. Your team nudges for a reason. If low energy or a lack of spark creeps in, it's okay. Restore. Nap, meditate, be with loved ones. Reflect on your journey. When you re-emerge, you'll shine brighter. Rest is productive.

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Four Noble Tarot, Minor Arcana Frances Naude Four Noble Tarot, Minor Arcana Frances Naude

Five of Swords

Five of Swords tarot card reminds us if power struggles are showing up, to remember they're lessons. No matter where you stand, things can shift. Stay focused on your dreams, not comparisons or setbacks. Keep an open heart in conflicts, understanding others are trying too. Stay humble and kind in communication. Apologize sincerely or admit when wrong. If peace isn't coming, it's okay to step back.

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Four Noble Tarot, Minor Arcana Frances Naude Four Noble Tarot, Minor Arcana Frances Naude

Six of Swords

Six of Swords tarot card nudges a reminder that your past may weigh you down, but your team is here. Release old baggage for a lighter future. Reflect on relationships, emotions, habits. Work with a healer, take to a journal, or simply make the decision that today is your fresh start. It is time to leave the past and begin your journey toward the brighter days ahead.

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Four Noble Tarot, Minor Arcana Frances Naude Four Noble Tarot, Minor Arcana Frances Naude

Eight of Swords

Eight of Swords tarot card reminds us to not let that inner critic hold you back. You're not stuck; it's just a trick. Focus on your desires, ask your heart what's next, and take one step at a time. The unknown can be scary, but you're growing. Fear can't stop you. Keep moving, healing, and creating a new, amazing life!

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Four Noble Tarot, Minor Arcana Frances Naude Four Noble Tarot, Minor Arcana Frances Naude

Nine of Swords

Nine of Swords tarot card encourages you to take a breather. Your Team understands your worries. Remember, things often aren't as bad as they seem. Step back, see the bigger picture, and trust it's all under control. You can let go and find peace. Try grounding or energy healing for extra support.

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Four Noble Tarot, Minor Arcana Frances Naude Four Noble Tarot, Minor Arcana Frances Naude

Ten of Swords

Ten of Swords tarot card suggests change is in the air. Endings can be scary, but they're making room for new magic. If you're unsure, reflect on areas needing change. Trust your strength to release what's not serving you. Painful but powerful. You are ready to move on and your Team's got your back.

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Four Noble Tarot, Minor Arcana Frances Naude Four Noble Tarot, Minor Arcana Frances Naude

Page of Swords

Page of Swords tarot card encourages to embrace that hopeful spirit and dive into your passions. Challenges are growth opportunities. Jot down ideas but stay focused on your goal. Your journey holds the magic. Keep your eye on the prize and move forward in the direction that brings you the most joy.

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