Ace of Swords


Ace of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

New beginnings are on the horizon and the change is going to happen fast. Buckle up! In order to optimize this energy, now is a great time to examine your life closely. Think about what you’d like to shift out and what you’d like to welcome in. Then, spend some time daydreaming about all the magic you're ready to manifest. Don't be afraid to fantasize about every detail because no desire is too big or too small. You will likely find yourself feeling inspired to get started on these new ideas, so when this happens, accept the energy and go for it! That said, be sure to stay focused on one task at a time so that you can intentionally move forward instead of feeling stuck in creative overwhelm without action. Additionally, your Spiritual Team is ready to co-create alongside you. Please feel encouraged to call Them in. You may like to do this through rituals, goddess devotion, meditation, prayer, journaling, crystal gridding, going out into nature, or anything else you like to do to connect. Feel their support, trust your passion, and get ready for some powerful shifts.


King of Cups


Two of Swords