Three of Swords
Three of Swords Tarot Card Meaning
Your beautiful heart is carrying a lot of weight, and you know what? It’s okay not to be okay. Allow yourself this time to grieve, cry, be angry, hide under the covers, or watch your favorite movie while enjoying a treat. After you have healthily expressed your pain, reexamine the situation from a more neutral viewpoint. Take note of any lessons you learned, any personal triggers that need to be addressed, and any moments of the situation that make you feel proud of yourself. Most importantly, notice that it may have hurt you but it did not break you. You are still here. You are still standing. And babe, you look good. Your Spiritual Team is sending you a big supportive hug, and they are ready to carry you forward in all your power. Trust that you have the strength to finally let go of the past, and moreover, that you love yourself enough to be free of the pain. You deserve joy, compassion, devotion, excitement, purpose, love, and life! Take a deep breath and go get it.