Six of Swords


Six of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

You may be feeling heavy from all the things you've been holding onto from your past. While your Spiritual Team is proud of all you've done, They are extending Their hands to take the weight from you. Now is the time to release your baggage. A lighter future is within reach, and in order to have the space to grab it, you must let go of what is not serving you. Take inventory of your life, paying special attention to your relationships, your emotions, your career, your decisions, your habits, your energy, and any childhood wounds that are still getting triggered. Be honest with yourself as you examine your experiences, and understand that even though it may be hard to loosen the grip of what you once knew, you deserve to be free of everything that does not support you. Once you have identified what needs to be released, begin the work towards healing. This may mean working with a healer, talking to a therapist, writing in a journal, practicing cord cutting rituals, or simply making the decision that today is your fresh start. It is time to leave the past in the past and begin your journey toward the brighter days ahead.


Five of Swords


Seven of Swords