Nine of Cups


Nine of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

There are a lot of emotions flowing at this time, and whether they are positive or not-so-positive, know that the Universe is on your side. These feelings are here to highlight areas in your life that are ready to be recognized. If you feel down or overwhelmed, it is time to heal the places you feel triggered. But before you take action, pause and express your emotions fully. In doing so, you will naturally ease the pain and have space for positivity to flow. If you feel happy or excited, this is the time to celebrate your wins. Seriously… Treat yourself! No matter which end of the scale you are on right now, keep in mind that life always moves in phases, and nothing stays the same forever. Invest some energy into creating a gratitude list so that you can pinpoint all the magic that is surrounding you. This will help your Spiritual Team understand exactly what items, accomplishments, emotions, and situations you want to continue welcoming into your life, and They will get to work. In the meantime, offer compassion to your sadness, take pride in your accomplishments, and trust that you are exactly where you're meant to be.


Eight of Cups


Ten of Cups