Five of Swords
Five of Swords Tarot Card Meaning
If you are experiencing power plays in your life right now, understand that they are here to teach you something. You may be at the top of your game or you may be feeling like you just can't win. Wherever you are, know that the tables can always turn, so it is important to keep your eye on the end game. Do not get distracted by the success of yourself or others, and do not get discouraged by failure or setbacks. There is a lot of game left to play, and it’s not over until it’s over. If you are noticing more areas of conflict, keep an open heart for the other side. Everyone is just doing their best. Try to remain humble and kind, possibly even pausing before you speak to ensure that you say what you really mean. With open communication, a heartfelt apology, or the ability to admit that someone was in the wrong (even if that person was you), you are more likely to resolve the given issue. On the other hand, if you have spoken your truth and the conflict is still potent, don't be afraid to remove yourself from the situation. Sometimes, the only way to come out unharmed is to walk away.