Eight of Cups


Eight of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

It is time to let go. It’s hard, it’s confusing, it’s scary. But it's time. Take inventory of how you've been feeling lately and be honest with yourself about what is taking up too much focus or energy. What patterns, habits, people, memories, experiences, situations, or worries are creating unhealthy attachment or discomfort? They must be released now. This is a time to be brave and to complete any phases that have been stagnating you. The more you try to hold on, the more tension will surface. Surrender to life’s seasons, make your choice, stick to it, and move forward. You deserve to live in your Highest Light, and by boldly releasing all that no longer serves, you will be able to do so. As you leave behind your past and walk towards your new future, the weight of what once was will be left behind and you will be free to rise. Everything is going to be okay.


Seven of Cups


Nine of Cups