Knight of Cups
Knight of Cups Tarot Card Meaning
There is no doubt in the Universe that you are meant to be doing all the things that light you up, so keep on going. Any challenges that cross your path are being strategically placed there by your Spiritual Team. They are either teaching you important lessons that will propel you toward your next step or they are inviting you to redirect yourself down a more aligned path. Don't be discouraged… You're doing everything right! Keep your head up and simply move toward what feels the most fulfilling to your soul. If you feel unsure about where you want to go, check in with your inner voice. No one else can hear it except for you. What is it saying? Where is it guiding you? What do you really want to do? Listen to the whisper, and trust that it is leading you down your most purposeful path even if you can't see the end result yet. It will feel a bit daunting to put your desires into action, but it is the only way to create a life that you truly love. All you need to do is take the first step in the way of your heart.