Nine of Swords
Nine of Swords Tarot Card Meaning
Stop worrying, sweet soul. Everything is okay. Your Spiritual Team sees and validates your feelings of fear, stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. However, They want you to take a break from trying to find a resolution to a situation that doesn't actually have a big problem. It may seem like the world is falling apart around you, but the truth of the matter is that your overthinking is heightening the experience. Things are not as bad as they seem, and the more you focus on the negative, the heavier everything will feel. Do not let your fears cloud your perspective. Instead, take a full step back and view your experience from an unbiased lense. When you do, you will come to realize that whatever is happening right now is under control and you can surrender it to the Universe. In the meantime, you may benefit from practicing grounding, energy healing, or stress relieving techniques. These rituals will help you come back into alignment and peace, which is where you deserve to be.