King of Cups


King of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

You are the master of emotion and have found the balance between healthy expression and grounded connection. Your Spiritual Team is asking you to live in this stability daily, as well as to share your wisdom with others as a mediator, a voice for those who don't have one, a teacher, or even a safe space for someone to vent. Let your balance of logic and emotion inspire creative problem solving for yourself and for those around you. If you don't feel this way right now, trust that you do have this skill. Access it by embracing your Divine Masculine energy, which reminds you to be calm in your approach rather than letting your feelings get the best of you. The king cannot rule if he doesn't have a clear vision of what needs to be done, and the number one hindrance of clarity is heightened emotion. It usually emerges in anger, stress, fear, anxiety, or irritability. If you are feeling any of those emotions now, the Universe is inviting you to retreat and reset. Once you have done so, step back on your throne and reevaluate the situation at hand with broadened perspective, balanced emotion, and intuitive strength. This is where you are in true alignment with your Highest Self and where you can create a life that you love.


Queen of Cups


Ace of Swords