From my heart to yours, welcome to your expansion.

Each of these classes is designed to awaken new places of knowledge so that you may deepen your connection with the infinite possibilities of the Universe.

When you invest in a self-paced online course, you are investing in yourself. Your ROI?

Growth, knowledge, connection, skill, purpose, clarity, abundance, joy, and so much more.

Explore more and enroll today⭣

Intro to Tarot


Learn how to intuitively read Tarot Cards for yourself and for others. While this course teaches the fundamental lessons of Tarot, you will also learn how to channel, connect with your Spiritual Team, and so much more.

The Source Course


Learn the foundational lessons of spiritual metaphysics including vibration energetics, manifestation, communicating with/channeling your Spiritual Team, protecting your energy, and three meditations for connection.

Crystal Clear


Learn how to tap into the healing power of crystals. Explore crystal gridding for manifestation, space gridding for intention setting, body placements for chakra alignments and whole body healing, and learn the best crystals to start with.

Chakra Flow


Learn about your Chakras, how they become unbalanced, and practice Yoga flows to rebalance them. There are lessons dedicated to Chakra education plus eight included yoga classes: one class per chakra and one for your entire chakra system.


Ready for More?

Gain access to every single one of Frances’s Self-Paced Online Courses! Now FREE!