Two of Swords


Two of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

You are in the midst of or will soon be presented with a big decision. Fear of making the wrong choice feels paralyzing and is causing you to experience heightened overwhelm about the situation at hand. Please remember, you cannot make a wrong choice. The Universe is offering you multiple paths because they can all serve you in their own unique way. Instead of worrying about choosing correctly, close your eyes and ask yourself what feels the most aligned with your intuition. If you were to play out each scenario, which one brings you the most joy and peace? Which one makes you feel the most proud? Which one is the most nourishing and exciting? It can be scary to finally make a decision, but when you do, you will realize that most of your stress was rising from the decision making process itself, not the results of each individual decision. Your Spiritual Team is nudging you towards the next step in your Divine plan. It is time to be brave, trust your gut, and choose what feels best for you.


Ace of Swords


Three of Swords