A 78 card deck and guidebook to help you deepen your connection, fulfill your purpose, create your alignment, and unleash your magic.
The Magician
The Magician tarot card reminds you of your power to manifest your desires. Trust the whispers of truth that come from deep within and use spiritual practices to merge wisdom with your conscious mind. Prioritize balance, self-care and trust in your journey towards embodying your fullest, Divine self.
The High Priestess
The High Priestess tarot card represents deepening intuition and heightened awareness. Trust inner and outer wisdom. Move intentionally, embracing gentle whispers of truth. Prioritize balance, connection, and self-care. Embody your Divine self. You are on the rise!
The Empress
As the embodiment of the Divine Feminine, love and creation surround you. The Empress tarot card shows you're cosmically designed to create more, but don't rush. Connect with the Earth and adopt her principles into your life. Embody the passion of a radiant force of nature, expressing yourself through creativity or sexuality, and bring new energy into this world.
The Emperor
The Emperor tarot care shows you are being surrounded by the Divine Masculine, allowing you to walk through life with direction, diplomacy, delegation, and dignity. It's time to get clear on what you want, how to bring it about, and who can help you. Remember, being a leader doesn't mean doing everything alone. Embody balanced masculinity: hold authority and provide for those around you.
The Hierophant
The Hierophant tarot card represents your ancient wisdom is ready to unfold, but to access it, follow the sacred path of those before you. Learn from books, courses, communities, mentors. Connect deeper with your Spiritual Team and Highest Self through prayer, meditation, nature, and Tarot. Commit to a structure, practice patience, and give yourself grace as you begin to transform!
The Lovers
The Lovers tarot card is a sign that the universe is showering you with blessings of balance, bounty, beauty, and love! Take a moment to truly understand what these gifts mean to you. Celebrate if you have all you desire, otherwise connect with your authentic self, declare your worth and desires. Speak honestly with those you care about, without fear of pushing them away. Hold your values close and compromise where needed. Love may not be easy, but finding someone who complements your soul is worth it.
The Chariot
The Chariot tarot card is a sign to keep on your path, dear one! Any obstacles in your way are valuable lessons or fuel for your passion. Listen to your intuition, the Universe, and your spiritual team for guidance. Take action on the ideas and downloads you receive, no matter how small. Stay focused on your goals, stay aligned with your values, and don't let anything stand in your way.
When the Strength tarot card is pulled, lean into in your strength and intuition. You are fully capable of overcoming any obstacle and achieving your goals. Take time to quiet your mind and listen to your inner voice. Trust even the simplest of thoughts as they may hold powerful guidance. Speak and act with peace and confidence, setting healthy boundaries and implementing plans as needed.
The Hermit
The Hermit Tarot card is the universe telling you to pause and turn inward. Connect with your inner wisdom through self-care and introspection. Release external expectations and listen to your Highest Self for guidance. This inner wisdom will bring clarity and purpose to your journey. Only you can choose your path and live in alignment with your values.
Wheel of Fortune
The Wheel of Fortune Tarot card is a sign to embrace the unexpected and surrender to the changes life brings. Trust that a new path will lead you towards your highest good. Let go of old habits and beliefs that no longer serve you. Your Spiritual Team will catch you when you need it, so don't be afraid to shake things up and try something new. Be mindful of your thoughts and actions, and remember that the Universe always has your back.
When the Justice Tarot card is pulled, take an objective look at your life and ensure that everything is fair, honest, and balanced. Identify what needs attention and make choices aligned with your core values. Trust that everything will align as it should. Don't fear judgment for speaking your truth, as those who cannot accept it do not belong in your orbit. Live your truth and find freedom.
The Hanged Man
The Hanged Man Tarot card is a sign that when life is going well, to express gratitude and savor the peace. But if you feel unmotivated or bored, know that you deserve an extraordinary life. Use this slow period as an opportunity to reflect and get clear on what you want to do, be, and receive. Then take action and go after it. Trust that this is a catalyst for your soul's renaissance.
The idea of "death" can feel heavy, but it's really just a transition into something new. The Death Tarot card encourages to not resist the change that's coming, instead embrace it and trust that something magical is on its way. Take the opportunity to initiate change in areas of your life that are no longer serving you. Trust that you are strong enough to let go, and you will be reborn into a more aligned version of yourself.
When the Temperance Tarot card appears, the Universe is calling for you to prioritize self-care. If you neglect your own needs, your life may become unbalanced. Practice patience, tune into your heart, and take one step at a time. You are gifted with the ability to remain centered. Keep your eye on your dreams and trust that you can handle what comes your way.
The Devil
The Devil Tarot card shows it's time to let go of negative attachments in your life and break out of your comfort zone. Remove yourself from toxic relationships, harmful habits, and unfulfilling work. It's easy to stay the same, but in the long run, it will only hurt you. Confront your shadow self, which is holding you back and keeping you in a cycle of shame and avoidance.
The Tower
Though life may feel overwhelming, remember that you have the power to manage your energy and find stability during chaos. The Tower Tarot card is a sign to build smaller towers for each area of your life to avoid crumbling if one area becomes unstable. Practice healthy compartmentalization, make lists and schedules, and make time for what matters most to you.
The Star
The Star Tarot card represents it's time to shine your unique brilliance! Reconnect with your Divine Feminine energy through self-care, nature, and adornments. This will help you gain clarity on your desires and direction. Listen to your intuition, keep an open heart for signs from the Universe, and let go of self-doubt. Embody your Highest Self, knowing that you are as vast and infinite as the stars above. Keep shining bright, and remember that nothing is out of your reach!
The Moon
Life is constantly evolving, and change can be a gift in disguise. The Moon Tarot card represents letting go of what no longer serves us and embracing new opportunities. It can be uncomfortable, but trust the natural flow and let each new phase radiate more light, illuminating your path. Check in with yourself, allow yourself to feel and heal, leaving the pain in the past. Let the light of your authentic self guide you towards your dreams.
The Sun
The Sun Tarot card is a gentle reminder to rise up like the sun, even after the darkest nights. Let its warmth and joy fill you up, and be open to more positivity. Practice gratitude, connect with nature, and play. The world needs your authentic light, and as you share it, joy, growth, success, and alignment will flow to you. Let yourself be seen for all that you are and watch as joy, growth, success, and alignment continue to flow to you.