Seven of Swords


Seven of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

This is a time to take what you need. It may feel selfish, but it’s not. It’s necessary in order to remain aligned on your path. Establish your own priorities and boldly take action to accomplish them. You may find yourself in a situation where you need to decide between what’s best for you and what’s best for another. As long as you are not putting anyone in danger or inflicting pain intentionally, your Spiritual Team wants you to choose the option that is best for yourself. That said, be mindful of how your actions could trigger others and cause them to become defensive, possibly even feeling like they need to fight back in some way. If you feel intuitively that this is the case, you may like to take precautionary action to protect yourself against any sneaky or manipulative behavior from them. However, it is more likely that they will understand your choice after you explain that your decision was not easy and that it had no malintent. If they don't accept your explanation, do not feel shame over your decision and do not change it to accommodate them. Sometimes it is okay to make choices that will disappoint others, especially when they serve your Highest Good. Over time, this creates a positive ripple effect in the Universe that will eventually serve the entire collective.


Six of Swords


Eight of Swords