Page of Swords
Page of Swords Tarot Card Meaning
You are free to do anything you want. Think of yourself as an 18-year-old who has big dreams and nothing to lose. Hopeful naïveté inspires adventurous action! In order to optimize this energy, it is important that you put your limiting beliefs aside and follow your passions. What excites you most? What brings you the greatest sense of accomplishment? What legacy do you want to leave behind one day? Identify your answers to these questions and let them be the foundation for your path forward. You may not have all the resources you need to complete your goals just yet, but this is intentional. Much of your destination is in the journey itself, so when challenges arise, accept them as opportunities for growth. As you continue to expand, you may like to keep an idea journal nearby in order to keep track of all your downloads. Some of them will serve the task at hand and some are best kept for another project later on. Be mindful that your creativity doesn't distract you from the goal you set in the first place. Keep your eye on the prize and move forward in the direction that brings you the most joy.