Knight of Swords


Knight of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

It may feel scary to charge ahead, but put those fears aside. You got this! Trust that you have the communication skills, the physical strength, and the intuitive wisdom to complete the task you set out to do. That said, please check in with your gut to make sure that everything feels supportive at this time. You might like to think through your plan one more time to ensure that you haven't missed anything important. If after doing so you still feel worried, remember that you have covered your bases. You are ready to overcome your fears and to bust through the door that is standing between you and your desired destination. When you emerge on the other side, you will have transformed into the brave human that your soul has always been. Accept this energy and continue to apply it forward. You don't need permission from anyone else, nor do you need a green light to get moving. Decide what you want, make a plan to create it, and then manifest your magic. Nothing can stop you now.


Page of Swords


Queen of Swords