
Hi! I’m Frances.
It’s an honor to meet you.

My purpose is to serve you in the Highest Light and hold the space for you to experience the healing and guidance you seek.

From peace of mind to motivation to healing trauma to reconnecting to Source, I am here to help you remember your power, your passion, and your purpose. 

Let Me Woo You



I believe that every single person is cosmically designed to live in blissful alignment. But sometimes, we need help remembering that. I sure did…

I was always very intuitive, but as I grew through life, the ability to hear my inner voice diminished. I was so focused on getting good grades, getting into a good college, and getting a good job, that I completely forgot how to “be.” Everything was “do, do, do.”

One day, after about two years of sitting at the same desk at my first “big girl job,” I remember thinking, “Is this it? Is this happiness?” 

I realized that it wasn’t the job or the desk or my co-workers or the company or anything other than the fact that I was not fulfilling my purpose.

Realizing this, I made the very scary decision to leave this job and not immediately get a new one. Instead, I leaned into the only thing that I knew for sure: I had a purpose, and my intuition would guide me. So I let myself “be.”

The pause was challenging, confusing, defeating, unsettling, and simultaneously the most exciting moment of my entire life. I found unlimited resources, classes, workshops, trainings, nature, creativity, art, music, and most importantly, the death of my 'ego' which allowed me to unapologetically embrace my "woo-woo" side.

At that moment, I stepped fully into the magic of spiritual metaphysics, where my healing, channeling, and teaching gifts blossomed.

I realized that passion leads to purpose, and I was finally home.


You do not need to quit your job, travel the world, or drastically change your life to find blissful alignment.

In fact most times, alignment comes in small moments. The feelings of joy that encourage you to trust your inner wisdom. The gut feeling that you are on the right path even if it feels scary. The gentle smile that hugs your face as you fall asleep. That is alignment, and my purpose is to help you get there.

Join Frances in The Classroom

A huge part of my journey to alignment was rooted in learning new things. Today, I am so honored to share everything I learned with you in my self-paced online courses. Each class is designed to be informative, inspiring, and actionable so that you may expand your awareness and deepen your connection.

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