Eight of Swords


Eight of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

Even though it may feel like you are at a stand still, don't let your ego get in your way. You are not stuck. You are falling victim to the loud inner critic that tells you that you can't do what you want or that you aren't worthy of receiving what you want. This voice is a bully that has no place in your energy. Shift your awareness to the positive aspects of your situation and then tune into your intuitive space. Ask yourself, “What do I want?” and “What do I need in order to get it?”. Then listen for your answers. Do not feel like you need a whole map of your journey. Instead, pay attention to guidance that provides a single next step. It is daunting to walk into the unknown, but the only other option is to remain stuck exactly where you are. You deserve more. Keep your awareness on the fact that you are healing and moving forward. Do not let fear stop you. With each new step, you will eventually leave behind everything that was hindering you, and you will create a whole new life for yourself.


Seven of Swords


Nine of Swords