Q: What is Reiki
A: Reiki is a healing technique based on the principle that the practitioner can channel energy into a person to activate the natural healing processes of the body and restore physical and emotional well-being. It moves you from ‘fight or flight’ into ‘rest and restore’.
Reiki is pure and good energy from the Universe that comes through a practitioner, and to the receiver in order to discover blockages, remove them, and then replace them with new, high-vibrational energy.
Q: What is distance Reiki and is it as effective as in-person Reiki?
A: Distance Reiki is exactly the same and 100% as effective as in-person Reiki. The only difference, of course, is that it is performed without physically being in the same place.
During Reiki Trainings, practitioners are ‘attuned’ to a distance symbol, which allows us to transcend space and time and connect with your energy.
An easy way to think about this is to think about the fact that you can love someone the same amount whether you are hugging them or they are across the globe.
The more complex way to understand this is to realize that we experience time as linear and space as three dimensional, but this is reality from our brain. Our soul is energy, and energy exists everywhere and all at once. Energy is connected to everything, and when I connect to it alongside your Spiritual Team, your entire being receives. (including the physical body that the energy lives within and around)
Q: Have you always done distance Reiki?
A: Yes. Even before the world closed down, I have always practiced and conducted Reiki Sessions via distance. This is a huge part of my purpose on Earth, and I am grateful to share this gift with others all over the globe (and Universe).
Q: Do you prefer in-person or distance Reiki Sessions?
A: Personally, I prefer to distance Reiki sessions. Both are EXTREMELY beautiful and beneficial, and each practitioner has their preference based on how they conduct sessions. For the way that I conduct sessions, distance allows me to serve you best. There are a few reasons for this:
You are able to fully relax and surrender because you feel safe and comfortable in your own sacred space.
I am able to audibly channel for your entire session, which I wouldn’t be able to do if we were in person because it would distract you from your meditative state, making it harder for you to receive the healing
It allows you to receive your healing and all information from your channelled messages, while also giving you time to process the information slowly after the session instead of feeling like you have to rush to ask me questions before your ‘session time’ is up (as it would work in person). You may then email me or call me with any questions or insights you’d like to share.
Q: How Does Tarot Work?
A: Tarot taps into Universal energies to bring forth your most intuitive feelings. Your guides, angels, and God work together to bring your highest self to the foreground, so that you can get clear on what you want, how to get there, what’s currently holding you back.
Frances connects to your energy and your Spiritual Team, and allows them to work in the Highest Light to bring you clarity and guidance. You learn how to navigate what is happening now so that you can cultivate the best outcome in alignment with your Highest Self. As will all things, you always have free will to change anything that comes up in a reading that does not align with what you want.
Q: What Should I do for my Reiki Reading Appointment?
A: At the time of your appointment, please press 'play' on the 30 minute song that was sent in your confirmation email (or any lyric-free music you'd like). Remember, Frances will NOT be calling you for your session. However upon booking, you may request a free 15 minute call before your session if you’d like to connect, ask questions, or provide more details about the session focus. All you need to ‘do’ is relax and receive for 30 minutes while the music plays, and after it comes to a close, keep an eye on your email for a recording of your entire session from Frances. This email arrives within 30 minutes after your session ends.
Q: What should I do for my Tarot Reading Appointment?
A: At the time of your appointment, please click on the link that was sent in your initial confirmation email. This will lead to you a Zoom link that will grant you access into your virtual Tarot Reading. When we get on our call, you will fill me in on the areas you’d like to gain guidance on.
Q: What should I do for my Tarot & Reiki Combo Appointment?
A: At the time of your appointment, please click on the link that was sent in your initial confirmation email. This will lead to you a Zoom link that will grant you access into your virtual Tarot Reading.
When we get on our call, you will fill me in on the areas you’d like to gain guidance on.
Then, after our 30 minutes of Tarot, we will hang up on Zoom, and you will go to a comfortable place where you can rest and receive Reiki for 30 minutes.
You will press 'play' on the 30 minute song that was sent in your confirmation email (or any lyric-free music you'd like). Remember, Frances will NOT be calling you for this part of your session. Instead, relax and receive for 30 minutes while the music plays, and after it comes to a close, keep an eye on your email for a recording of your entire session from Frances. This email arrives within 30 minutes after your session ends.
For Tarot sessions, you may like to prepare some areas in your life that you are seeking guidance so that we can address all of those during your video call.