Seven of Cups


Seven of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

When you're faced with many options, it can feel daunting to choose. However, it is also a gift to have multiple paths laid out in front of you. Each one will have a different end result, but here’s a secret… There is no wrong choice. There is simply the choice itself followed by the results of that choice. Some outcomes may be more positive than others, but negative outcomes have their value as well: they teach you important lessons so that you may continue on your journey with wisdom. This means that you do not need to over analyze your options. Rather, focus your attention on the results of each choice. Ask yourself, "Which end result do I truly want?" and then, "Which option is going to move me closer to my desired end goal?". Choose the path that feels intuitively aligned with your answers and that you feel confident seeing through to the end. Do not be distracted by potential outcomes that boost your ego or options that seem like the easy choice. Instead, pick the path that makes you feel the most confident, passionate, and at peace.


Six of Cups


Eight of Cups