Reiki Guided Meditation, Body Scan, Deep Relaxation
Relax deeply with Frances' Reiki Charge Guided Meditation for restful sleep. Tune into soothing Reiki energy as you settle into comfort. Let go of tension with a body scan and surrender to a peaceful slumber. Feel safe, supported, and ready to rest. Awaken refreshed and renewed.
Tarot Card Reading Ultimate Guidance from the Universe
Delve into tarot card insights with Frances at Four Noble. Balance masculine and feminine energies, embrace mastery with The Emperor, and find the strength to choose joy. The Sun and Eight of Pentacles bring warmth and growth; trust your wisdom. Discover new mantras for transformation and letting go with the Ten of Swords.
Tarot Card Reading Embrace the Divine Feminine & Take Action
Discover the power of tarot wisdom with the Queen of Swords, guiding you toward enlightened choices. Transition from the culmination of your endeavors, symbolized by the Ten of Wands, into the radiant realm of your Empress identity. Cultivate presence with the Knight of Wands and embrace compassionate self-care. Explore the delicate art of giving and receiving through the Six of Pentacles to nurture inner strength and empowerment. Delve deeper into these profound insights in the blog.
Meditation for Ancestral Healing | Connect w/ Your Ancestors & Heal Yourself
Embark on a transformative guided meditation to heal your ancestral line. Find comfort in a peaceful space, connect with your spiritual team and ancestors. Visualize a path leading to a beautiful light, and invite your ancestors to release their burdens. Step into the light, leaving behind what doesn't serve you. Embrace a profound connection with your ancestors, receive messages, and return to the present with love and gratitude. Experience this healing meditation with Frances at Four Noble Healing.
Tarot Card Reading: New Moon in Pisces Signals the Time to Embrace Your Big Dreams
Dive into the potential of the New Moon in Pisces with this Tarot card reading. Cards reveal a path to embrace your dreams. The Knight of Pentacles urges steady progress, and the Emperor, leadership. Ten of Wands shows your efforts paying off, leading to the Wheel of Fortune's promise. Queen of Swords empowers authentic action, while the Star guides you as your North Star. Embrace radical self-care with Seven of Swords. Shift your mindset and trust your choices. Manifest your desires with confidence. Explore the guidance of the Four Noble Tarot deck.
Tarot Card Reading Embrace Tranquility & Transformation
Discover tarot card readings by Frances, the creator of the Four Noble Tarot deck at Four Noble Healing. Embrace tranquility and transformation. Learn to navigate conflicts, trust your inner wisdom, and make positive life adjustments. Find your power in the cards.
Reiki Charged Guided Meditation | Mantra Work for Creating Acceptance & Peace
Immerse in Reiki-charged meditation for peace and acceptance. Explore powerful mantras to release stress, trust the universe, and embrace change. Transform your life with Frances' guidance from Four Noble Healing.
Tarot Card Reading: Navigating the Leo Full Moon for Trust and Letting Go
Discover the wisdom of tarot cards, including Four of Pentacles, Five of Cups, Two of Swords, and Seven of Pentacles, in this insightful reading. Learn to embrace flexibility, focus on the positive, and make confident decisions. Nurture your life's journey and trust the process with Frances as your guide. Join the spiritual journey today!
Meditation to Boost Self Worth & Strengthen Connection with Your Highest Self (Reiki Charged)
Elevate your self-worth and embrace your highest self with this Reiki-charged guided meditation. Explore a journey of self-connection and discover your limitless essence. Visualize and merge with your highest self, leaving behind fear and doubt. Manifest the life you desire and reaffirm your worthiness daily. Join this transformative session for a deeper connection with your true self.
Tarot Reading: Harnessing Beneficial Energy for Optimal Transformation
Uncover your path to transformation with this week's tarot reading. Explore the energies of Four of Wands, Queen of Wands, Queen of Pentacles, Two of Wands, and The Moon. Celebrate your progress, embrace your power, and find clarity in your desires. Trust your intuition, connect with nature, and step into your worthiness. Join Frances at Four Noble Healing on this spiritual journey to manifest your desires. Don't miss this empowering guidance.
Guided Meditation for Motivation | Reiki Charged, Solar Plexus Activation, Third Eye Opener
Ignite your motivation with this Reiki-charged guided meditation. Find a comfortable space, focus on your breath, and awaken your solar plexus, your power center. Visualize a radiant yellow light and let Reiki energy strengthen your resolve. Activate your third eye, envision your goals, and affirm, "I can." Feel the energy enveloping you with strength and clarity. At Four Noble you can join in on an empowering meditation journey and move forward with confidence.
Tarot Reading: Embracing Universal Insights for Habitual Shifts and Fresh Starts
Discover transformative insights with Four Noble Healing’s tarot reading featuring The Devil, Ten of Swords, and The Star. Embrace self-reflection and healing to break free from negative patterns. Practice self-nourishment and patience as you move forward. Trust your intuition and follow your heart's desires for clarity and freedom and join in on this empowering journey.
Tarot Guidance: Illuminating the Universe's Message for You in This Moment
Gain insight from this tarot reading featuring Ace of Swords, The Devil, The Tower, and The Hermit. Embrace new beginnings and face your shadow self with a fresh perspective. Navigate fast-paced energy by focusing on specific areas of your life, and prioritize self-care and introspection. Join Frances for guidance on riding the waves of emotions and celebrating your wins. Explore the universe's message for you at this moment.
Embrace Slowness : Reiki Charged Guided Meditation for Beginners & Daily Meditators
Experience the power of slowness with this Reiki-charged guided meditation. Connect with your spiritual team and embrace a world of tranquility. Relax in a beautiful woodland, observe a flower, and be open to messages from nature. Learn to integrate slowness into your daily life for increased presence and capability. Join Frances on this transformative journey.
Tarot Reading: Unveiling the Universe's Current Messages for You...
Discover the Universe's current messages for you in this insightful tarot reading. Explore the heightened emotions of the Nine of Cups and learn how to navigate triggers and attachments with the Devil card. Find guidance in the logical thinking of the Emperor and the need to let go of what no longer serves you with the Eight of Cups. Prioritize self-care and emotional well-being this week. Four Noble Healing will guide you with meditations and tarot readings.
2023 Tarot Reading: What you need to know, how to organize your life, and ways to embrace change 🦋
Unravel the insights for 2023 in this tarot reading. Collaborate and plan with loved ones using the Three of Pentacles and Queen of Swords. Manage your time effectively with the Two of Pentacles and embrace vulnerability and transformation with the Lovers and Death cards. Take action steps towards peace and growth.
Elevate Your Energy: Reiki-Charged Guided Meditation for Shifting Frequencies and Vibrational Alignment
Elevate your energy with a Reiki-charged guided meditation. Embrace joy, shift to a higher frequency, and heal with Four Noble Healing. Enjoy meditations and tarot readings with Frances of Four Noble Healing
Tarot Reading: Insights for Navigating the Rest of 2022 and Embracing the Universe's Guidance for 2023
Discover guidance for the rest of 2022 and the dawn of 2023 in this Tarot reading. The King of Wands reminds you of your inner strength, grounding energy amidst holiday chaos. Take time for self-care, especially during Mercury retrograde. Boundaries are key, as the Seven of Swords advises radical self-care. Listen to your heart and embrace the patient process, echoed by Temperance. The Fool encourages fun and adventure during the holidays. Amid the hustle, remember, "Though things are moving, I am connected." Trust yourself and your spiritual team.
Reiki Guided Meditation Connecting with Your Spiritual Team to Meet Angels and Deepen Your Connection
Elevate your spiritual connection through this Reiki-charged guided meditation. Settle comfortably and open your heart, third eye, and crown chakras. Feel the Reiki energy dissolve blockages, facilitating a profound connection with your spiritual team. Observe images, sensations, or sounds in your mind's eye. Trust the guidance they offer. Even if nothing appears, remember you're not alone. Strengthen your connection with practice. Join Frances in this enlightening journey.
Tarot Reading: Navigating Relationships and Quieting Your Inner Critic during Sagittarius Season and 12/12
Explore the latest tarot reading for Sagittarius season and 12/12. The Nine of Cups urges you to embrace your emotions fully. Plan and manage your time with the Two of Pentacles and The Sun, but prioritize joy. Release unnecessary conflicts with the Five of Swords. Overcome stagnation and self-doubt with the Eight of Swords. Nurture yourself with the divine feminine energy of The Empress.