Tarot Card Reading: Navigating the Leo Full Moon for Trust and Letting Go

Cards pulled in this reading: Four of Pentacles, Five of Cups, Two of Swords, Seven of Pentacles


Hello Soul Fam, welcome back to this channel! Here, we do tarot readings every single Monday and Reiki charge guided meditations or sound healing every single Thursday. If we haven't met before, I'm Frances, and I am so excited to be connected with you here today. I hope that you all are doing well, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what our spiritual teams have to share with us this week.

One quick thing, if you are available this Wednesday evening, February 8th, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m Pacific Standard Time, I'm hosting a virtual Goddess Devotion Circle. We are going to be connecting with Goddess Aphrodite, activating our own beauty and sensuality, self-love, and love with others. If you are interested in joining us, I will leave the link to do so in the description box. It costs 11 USD to join. So, if you feel called, the link will be in the description box below.

Tarot Card Reading Navigating the Leo Full Moon for Trust and Letting Go

Alright, let's get started working in the light and in the highest for everyone here, for their greatest good and deepest understanding at this time. Keeping my energy cleansed and protected, and everyone's energy here as well. Let's welcome in my spiritual team and each person's spiritual team. Here we go.

There is a very beautiful call to slow down. You can even hear it in my voice, like "girl, that's good, relax." So, that is the energy they want us to embrace this week, which is interesting because I've been feeling a little bit more heightened energy. So, I'm excited to see what they say. Alright, let's start with the cards.

First card for this week is the Four of Pentacles. That's beautiful! The Four of Pentacles is actually about letting go. This person is sitting here, holding on so tightly to the Pentacles, so worried. "Oh my gosh, if I put one down, what's gonna happen? Then I'm gonna lose it!" But what does that mean? They have to sit like this forever, right? So, what this card is telling you is that you are safe to let go, to invite in a bit of freedom. This goes for finances as well. Of course, please make sure you have everything handled with your finances. I don't want everyone to go, "Oh great, I can just go spend all my money!" We do have responsibilities with money, but at the same time, not being so rigid with your money. Know that it is okay to treat yourself to dinner or to join the Goddess of Ocean Circle for 11 dollars, or it is okay to alter the budget a little bit this week if it's going to bring you joy and happiness, right? The Four of Pentacles reminds you that it is okay to let go of the structure, be that in your finances, your scheduling, or even in your New Year mentality of "I'm doing this and this and this and this." It's okay if it moves a little bit. They're asking you to check in with the structure you have created and make sure that it's actually making sense. If it's not serving you, this card is your permission to relax it a little bit. Yeah, it's okay to invite in some movement so that it flows better for you and actually supports you instead of saying, "Oh my gosh, I have to do this thing because I said I was gonna do it," but maybe it's not actually supporting you. They want you to have a little bit more flexibility. You are safe to let go, that exhale that we had before we even started, right? Instead of living like that, it's all good. Yeah, it's good. I don't know why that is coming through like that, but that's what it feels like they're saying. Like your structure is great and well-intentioned, but you're putting a little bit too much pressure on it. Life is actually okay, and everything's gonna be fine if you relax it. Yeah, cool. 

Next card is the Five of Cups. The Five of Cups is about focusing a little bit too much on the negative this week. We're being called to shift our awareness to what is going right, what we do have, instead of what feels like it's going wrong or what we don't have. They are saying, and by "they" I mean your spiritual team, that there is so much good happening right now, and even the things that may not feel very good, we promise, are for your greatest good. Not getting that job or that apartment or not receiving that raise, even, it is happening for you so that you can realize or adjust. Maybe that wasn't for you in the first place, or maybe there's something better down there. So, I'm going to hold on to the hope of that or use this as motivation to realign. Maybe the job you applied for that you didn't get, when you stop and check in, maybe you're like, "Wait, I never actually wanted that job. I was just panicking because I was worried about money, money, money, money, money, sticking to my structure." But I never actually really wanted it. So, I'm going to focus on what is going right, the two cups that are standing up, versus what I think has spilled over, because actually, even what has spilled, I was never meant to drink it. So, thank you for spilling, so I didn't drink it. I'm going to focus on the two cups that are standing and full, all that is going right in my life, the hope, and the trust that what doesn't go right is actually going to get better. There is something better for me. Here, my team, even though it might feel like they're veering me off the path, they're actually steering me onto the path again. Flexibility, Four of Pentacles, if the path is like this and we think that we are going straight, but actually, our team is like, "Actually, you're going this way, actually, you're going this way," and we're like, "Oh my gosh, why is my path so windy? It's supposed to be a straight line." Your team's like, "Babe, it was never supposed to be a straight line. It was always supposed to be like this, like a river meandering through, right?" So, these cards are really working beautifully together, asking you to see the big picture, zoom out. It's all good. Surrender to the process and focus on what is going right and the possibility of what is good to come. 

Beautiful! This week could be a great week for gratitude lists, celebrating your wins, literally writing things down that you are proud of yourself, and writing down everything that's going right, or even just making a mental note, "Oh wow, I got a parking spot right next to the cart return, check." Little things like that, okay?

And then, our two cards over here. The Two of Swords, interesting. This is the decision-making card. Not quite sure, not knowing what to do or which way to go, or maybe feeling stuck in fear and paralysis or maybe even being overwhelmed by options or to-dos that you're like, "I'm stuck. I'm just gonna stay here. I don't know, right?" I don't know which one to do first, so I'm good. And then, how to move through that indecision or confusion. Well, number one, the guidance with the Two of Swords itself is to let go of the fear, take the blindfold off. Don't be afraid to see all different sides, all different options available to you, because there is so much available to you. And secondly, this is interesting because on the one hand, we have "take the blindfold off, see what's in front of you, so you can make a decision." If that's not resonating with you, it's "keep your eyes covered, keep your third eye open." You know in here what you need to do here. So, there are two groups here. On the one hand, we have the group where it's like you have been avoiding some things in this situation, don't be afraid to see it all for what it is so you can make an informed decision. Group two is, you've seen so much that it's overwhelming you. Cover your eyes and tap into the feeling, the knowing of what to do, and make your decision that way. It's going to feel scary; the Moon at the top of her head represents fear. So, it's going to feel a little bit scary to kind of just trust yourself and jump. But your intuition is never going to lead you wrong. You got this.

With the Two of Swords, we also have the Seven of Pentacles. The Seven of Pentacles is about patience, nurturing, having trust that your seeds that you've planted, even though you might not have any little sprouts yet, they are going to sprout up and bloom. In this card, in the guidebook, there's a sentence that says, "Some people might drive past a farmland that has no sprouts, and it looks like a wasteland, but little do they know when they drive by in Spring, it's the same one, it's just all bearing fruit at this point. And when you drive by, you don't even give it a second look. You're like, 'Oh my God, how ugly, all that dirt over there.' But there is so much life underneath the surface. It just takes nurturing and care and patience to let it bloom. We cannot rush the process." So, what this feels like is if you are indecisive or in that kind of fear paralysis or overwhelm paralysis, not being able to move, please don't rush your decision or rush yourself to move, move, move, move. The Seven of Pentacles says please take your time, nurture this situation, and I really feel like there might be some missing pieces. Maybe you need to pull tarot cards on the situation or meditate or journal on the situation or literally do some more research, nurturing the brain space to get more information on what is going on so that you have what you need to make a decision. But they're just saying that it doesn't feel like there is major urgency right now. Please don't make a decision in the next couple of hours. Give yourself at least a few days because the Seven of Pentacles says that we want to nurture this, give it the time it needs to marinate and to grow its roots and to bloom and work its way up and out of the soil. And then you'll be like, "Oh, gotcha. Now we can grow and bloom," and it will feel more aligned. So, no rush in your decision. If you're in a decision-making process, but it's more about feeling maybe overwhelmed with options or not quite sure what thing to do next, just relax for a minute, take care of yourself, nurture the situation, whatever that means to you, learn a bit more, or feel into your own energy through spiritual practices. And remember, Five of Cups, focus on the good, and Four of Pentacles, it's okay to have that malleability, the flexibility. It doesn't have to be a straight line. We can move like a river.

Beautiful! So, that feels pretty complete this week. I want you focusing on letting go, the loosening (Five of Cups), focusing on the positive and the trust that there is something better to come, and not rushing through your decisions or your feelings of slowness. Take that time to nurture and care for and trust in the process, the natural process of what is going on in your life. Okay? So, it all goes back to that very first deep breath where they lowered my voice. That is the energy this week, a beautiful, lovely exhale. It might not feel like that. We might have to work to make it feel like that, but when we can be in that energy, that's where we really embrace that movement and let our spiritual teams guide us versus us micromanaging the universe. Yeah, beautiful.

Alright, Soul Fam, thank you so much for being here. If you feel called to donate to the love jar, I will leave my PayPal donation link in the description box below. This just helps me show up for you every single week with energy and love. I do show up every week with love for you anyways, but it really does keep me energized to be able to be here for you. So, thank you so much for those donations in advance. I really appreciate even just two cents. It's really just so helpful, and I do look at all of you who donate, your names. I'm not able to send messages after the fact, but I look at all of your names, and I send you the biggest distance hug and all the good vibes. So, thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm so appreciative. I hope you have a beautiful week. Enjoy that lovely exhale, and I will see you again soon.

Sending so much love and light your way. 

With gratitude,


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