The Tower
The Tower Tarot Card Meaning
Take heart, sweet soul. The overwhelm you’re experiencing is only temporary. While you cannot control the ever-changing nature of the Universe, you can manage your energy to feel more secure during the chaos. Imagine you have one large structure and each floor represents an area of your life (i.e. work, kids, to-dos, etc). If one floor becomes unstable, the whole tower could crumble. To avoid this, build individual, smaller towers. This way, if one area of life is shaky, you still have many additional towers that hold strong. In short, Your Spiritual Team is encouraging you to practice healthy compartmentalization. This will provide a solid ground to help you shift out of stress, confusion, hopelessness, and pain. You may also like to implement list-making, scheduling, and time management into your life to calm or prevent burnout. Don’t forget to make uninterrupted time for the people or situations in your life that really matter to you. They deserve your attention and you deserve their support. While it may feel like the world is crumbling beneath your feet, trust that you are being shaken awake to see an honest view of your reality. If you are at a loss for what to do, surrender to your knees and pray. Your Spiritual Team is ready to help.