The Moon


The Moon Tarot Card Meaning

Life is ever-changing, but the impermanence can be a blessing in disguise. It provides a frequent opportunity to let go of what does not serve and to welcome in what does. Even though these transitions can feel confusing or unsettling, do not fear the unknown. Instead, be like the moon: Let each new phase radiate more light, eventually illuminating a clear path forward. In other words, trust in the natural process of change because each new step will lead you to the next. You may like to check in with yourself at this time because transformation can stir up unresolved fear or unhealed trauma. If you are feeling triggered, anxious, or defensive, understand that this is your body asking you to finally heal old wounds. Instead of avoiding or silencing your feelings, let them rise. You are strong enough to share and resolve them, to leave the pain in the past, and to transform yourself and your situation into something lighter. That said, please practice patience as you move through this process. This will allow you not only to heal, but also, to reignite places of your soul that have been suppressed over time. Welcome them with gratitude, and let the light of your most authentic self provide clarity and confidence in achieving your dreams.


The Star


The Sun