The Emperor


The Emperor Tarot Card Meaning

This is a time where the Divine Masculine is surrounding you, allowing you to walk through life with direction, diplomacy, delegation, and dignity. It is an opportunity for you to get very clear on what you want, how you want to bring it about, and who will help you do so. Remember, being a leader does not always mean that you do everything yourself. In fact, the most successful leaders rely heavily on their co-workers, family, and social circles so that they can remain in their own Highest Power. With that said, these leaders do make the first and final decisions, which positively impact themselves and ripple out to positively impact others as well. This is the embodiment of balanced masculinity: the ability to hold personal authority whilst also providing for those around you. This, dear soul, is you. You have earned the right to call the shots because when you do, everyone benefits. Keep your eye on your end goal, take strategic action where need be, do not be swayed by outside opinion, and lead from a place of loving mastery.


The Empress


The Hierophant