Death Tarot Card Meaning
The word "death" can carry so much weight, but it is important to remember that death is a transition into a new way of being. Really, it’s a great change. It may feel like this change is being forced upon you right now. Allow it to come; it is natural. The caterpillar does not resist its transformation into the butterfly. Instead, it bravely enters the unknown world of the chrysalis with trust that its wings will grow in due time. This lesson applies to you too… Do not hold on to a version of yourself or of your life that it is ready to be released and transformed. It might not be easy, but see if you can embrace the discomfort of change while trusting that new magic is on its way. Additionally, the Universe is inviting you to initiate change in the areas of your life that are not serving you. Check in with your internal world (thoughts, habits, emotions, etc.) and your external world (career, relationships, living situation, etc.) to understand what needs to be released or altered. Sometimes this means ending something completely and sometimes it means closing out specific cycles within a larger situation. Be honest with yourself about which is true for you. Remember that you are strong enough to let any negativity in your life die. When you do, positivity will flow and you will be reborn into a more aligned version of yourself.