Wheel of Fortune
The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning
Sometimes no matter how hard you try, life has different plans than the ones you set out for yourself. Humans are players in a game of change, and the more you try to control things beyond your means, the more resistance you will encounter. This does not mean that you should completely forget about your dreams and goals for the future. Please don’t. What it does mean, however, is that there may be a new path to the same destination. As such, you must learn to surrender to the constant flux and impermanence of the world around you. Trust in the path unknown because it is ultimately leading you towards your most aligned life. Don’t be afraid to let go of the way you’ve been doing things in the past. Rather, embrace the change that surrounds you, shake things up, try something new, and go create your own luck. Loosen your grip and trust-fall into the arms of your Spiritual Team. They will not let you plummet. They will help you fly. Right now, anything can happen! So be mindful of your thoughts, words, and actions, be patient in transitions and challenges, and remember that the Universe has your back.