The Devil
The Devil Tarot Card Meaning
You are being strangled by the negative attachments in your life, yet for some reason, you are not changing your situation. There is a sense of security and control that comes with doing things the way you always have, but now is the time to remove the shackles and break out of your comfort zone. This may include freeing yourself from substance abuse, toxic or dependent relationships, poisonous work environments, or daily habits that are not elevating you. It will always feel easier to continue on the path you have been on, but in doing so, you will fuel the fire of what will eventually break you. Give yourself some tough love and stop making excuses for why you can’t change the situations that aren’t serving you. Begin by acknowledging your shadow self, which often shames specific qualities about yourself and/or avoids healing past wounds. Just as trying to run from your physical shadow is impossible, so too is trying to escape your soul’s shadow. It is time to compassionately accept each facet of yourself because when you do, you will finally be able to heal and live in freedom and joy.