The Lovers
The Lovers Tarot Card Meaning
Balance! Bounty! Beauty! LOVE! You are blessed with it all, both from those around you and from your Spiritual Team. As such, now is a time to get very clear on what the forementioned themes actually look like in your reality. Maybe you already have everything you could ever want. If so, celebrate it! If you don't have it yet, work to identify and connect with your most authentic self. This will help you to love yourself deeply, know your worth, and boldly declare what you deserve. Please feel encouraged to express yourself freely at this time. Share your vision, values, and expectations with the people that are important to you. Even though it may feel a bit uncomfortable to expose the deeper parts of your soul, it will ultimately bring you closer together. Do not fear that your truth will scare another away. Even if it does, let them go. This means that you are choosing your own happiness instead of living to please another. Hold your values near, yet still work to compromise where required. Love isn’t always easy, but when the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, it can be so worth it.