The Hierophant


The Hierophant Tarot Card Meaning

You have ancient wisdom that is ready to be unfurled, but in order to access it, you must follow the sacred path of those who came before. In a physical sense, this means devoting yourself to learning more in the areas you wish to deepen. This might include reading books, taking courses, joining like-minded communities, or even working with a mentor. In a more ethereal sense, this means connecting deeper with your Spiritual Team and your Highest Self. You may like to do this through prayer, altar tending, god/goddess devotion, going into nature, meditation, or receiving guidance from your Tarot Cards as you are now. If you’d like, please pull another card with the intention, “What does my Spiritual Team want to share with me at this time?”. This will be your first step in receiving the messages that are ready to be known. Whatever area of life you are expanding upon, having a structure to follow will help you gain the answers you seek. But remember, you are still in the learning process. Commit to a plan, practice patience, and give yourself grace as you move through this transformation.


The Emperor


The Lovers