A 78 card deck and guidebook to help you deepen your connection, fulfill your purpose, create your alignment, and unleash your magic.
The Judgement Tarot card is showing you your fear of judgement is holding you back more than the judgement itself. If you're feeling guilty about past choices, take this opportunity to learn from them and seek forgiveness. Whether you ask your spiritual team, a friend, or yourself, vulnerability and repentance are key. Your lessons, wisdom, and love make up the magical soul that you are today.
The World
The World Tarot card is a sign the Universe is giving you countless opportunities to take on the world. All doors are open, just decide which one excites you most. Don't let fear stop you, failure is not even a possibility. Take risks, complete projects, embark on adventures, and share your voice. Wrap up old situations, show gratitude, and celebrate your success. Enjoy the happiness and peace in the beautiful world you've created.
Ace of Wands
The Universe has your back in this time of new beginnings. The Ace of Wands Tarot card represents to trust the process, stay patient, and let your intuition guide you. Focus on what lights you up and be open to new ideas and opportunities. Remember that growth takes time, dedication, and nourishment. Embrace challenges and stay the course, even if you can't see the end destination. Your efforts will pay off and your seeds will blossom beautifully.
Two of Wands
Two of Wands Tarot card represents now is the time to get crystal clear on your desires. The Universe is abundant with possibilities, so take advantage! Spend time exploring different paths and determine which one resonates with you the most. Don't worry about the how. Just declare your intention and trust that the Universe will guide you. Be patient and trust that everything will fall into place when the time is right.
Three of Wands
Three of Wands Tarot card represents the Universe is ready to work with you in making your dreams a reality. Take this opportunity to envision your desired future and create a course with minimal resistance. Prepare for obstacles, ask your Spiritual Team for guidance, and create mantras for encouragement. Trust the process, embrace the journey, and stay the course.
Four of Wands
Four of Wands Tarot card is the Universe telling you that you're doing an amazing job. Take a moment to reflect on your progress, your accomplishments, and your positive impact. It's time to celebrate and feel the joy of your successes. By doing so, you invite even more abundance and positivity into your life. You're also surrounded by powerful creative energy, birthing a new idea, project, or even a new life.
Five of Wands
The Five of Wands tarot card encourages taking a moment to gain perspective, amidst conflict and imbalance. Zoom out and explore the roots of the problem. Embrace compassion, detach where needed, and approach the situation with grace, clarity, and understanding. By doing so, you can heal, resolve, and create lasting change.
Six of Wands
Six of Wands tarot card encourages to prioritize your needs and stay true to yourself. Don't let others' expectations distract you. Focus on your goals, remain authentic, and move forward in your own light for lasting success.
Seven of Wands
Seven of Wands tarot card reminds you to reclaim your peace by setting firm boundaries. Say 'no' to what doesn't align with your values. Declare and uphold your boundaries to protect your energy and maintain alignment.
Eight of Wands
The Eight of Wands tarot card reminds you to find your center amidst the chaos. Tune out the expectations of others and ask yourself, 'What do I need right now?' Prioritize your needs and stay focused. Embrace the energy around you as a catalyst for fulfillment and keep moving forward.
Nine of Wands
Nine of Wands tarot card presents a reminder to grant yourself grace and embrace courage. Despite confusion or overwhelm, don't let fear paralyze you. Take breaks, recharge, but don't lose momentum. Overcome obstacles, ask for support, and be your own advocate. You're close to achieving your dreams. Stay brave and keep going.
Ten of Wands
The Ten of Cards tarot card represents the culmination of your efforts and the imminent realization of your goals. Keep going a little longer, but don't overwhelm yourself. Seek support, delegate tasks, and lighten your load. Celebrate your achievements and enjoy the results. You've got this!
Page of Wands
The Page of Wands tarot card encourages to take a moment to ground yourself and regroup. Universe wants to ensure your stamina, creativity, and stability. Pause, recharge, explore, and trust the unfolding process. Your path will become clear. Embrace this pause with gratitude. Trust the Divine timing.
Knight of Wands
The Knight of Wands tarot card provides a gentle reminder to keep going, you're doing great! Stay grounded and focused on each step. Don't worry about the future; take one task at a time. Celebrate wins and let confidence propel you forward. Your dreams are within reach.
Queen of Wands
Queen of Wands tarot card provides a gentle reminder to embrace your radiance and power. Prioritize your dreams, talents, and desires. Trust yourself, create with patience, and shine your light. You are Cosmic Royalty deserving of all the Universe offers.
King of Wands
King of Wands tarot card reminds you to lead with confidence, clarity, and diplomacy. Embrace your role as a powerful leader. Trust in your abilities, delegate tasks, and stay focused on your goals. With support from your team, take your seat on the throne and leave your mark.
Ace of Cups
Ace of Cups tarot card represents to embrace love and surrender to your desires. Trust your feelings and listen to any signs for course correction. Heal what holds you back and open up space for new opportunities. Let your soul radiate joy, ignite excitement, and inspire others with your love. Accept and attract more love and joy into your life.
Two of Cups
The Two of Cups Tarot card encourages you to embrace connection and vulnerability. Share your heart's desires and attract balanced relationships. Trust in the support of loved ones and allow them to hold space for you. Open yourself to give and receive love. Your counterpart is waiting to amplify your energy and bring joy to your journey.
Three of Cups
The Three of Cups tarot card represents to embrace joy, celebrate the Divine Feminine, and welcome nurturing love. Connect with your intuitive wisdom and emotional intelligence. Surround yourself with supportive relationships, allowing them to lift you higher. Collaborate, celebrate, and let your passion lead the way. Enjoy the expansive energy of connection and friendship.
Four of Cups
When the Four of Cups tarot card is pulled, trust the Universe's guidance. Step back from active manifestations and open to new paths. Heal, reconnect, and align with your Highest Self. Focus on desired emotions, declare them to the Universe. Embrace magical moments that align with your intuition. Gratitude is the key.