Page of Wands


Page of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

While still keeping your eye on your big dreams, now is a time to pause and ground. Universe wants to ensure that you have enough stamina, creativity, and stability to do everything you want to do, so take this as an opportunity to regroup. You may wish to take a day off to reexamine your situation with fresh eyes, treat yourself to a nourishing experience to recharge, explore a new hobby to fuel your inspiration, create a schedule to make your next steps feel manageable, or spend some time in nature with no expectation at all. There is no urgency for you to make a decision or produce a result at this time, so have patience and trust that everything is unfolding exactly as it should. Your path will become clearer and more aligned very soon. Accept this pause with gratitude, and remember, you cannot rush the process of the Universe. Everything is happening in its own Divine time and specifically for your Highest Good.


Ten of Wands


Knight of Wands