Two of Cups
Two of Cups Tarot Card Meaning
Now is a time to open your heart to connection. You are ready to share the innermost parts of yourself, and when you do, you will form relationships that are balanced in giving and receiving. Be it in work, love, family, or social connection, there is a counterpart waiting to match and amplify your energy. Don't be afraid to express passion in these relationships at this time. Additionally, the Universe is reminding you that you don't have to carry everything on your own. Instead, turn to a partner you trust to help you. This may be a romantic partner, a sibling, a close friend, a parent, a co-worker, or even a pet. Let yourself be vulnerable enough to share your feelings, and allow them to hold space for you. It may feel uncomfortable to ask for what you need, but they are ready and willing to give it to you. Face them with openness and surrender your heart. The connection and support you seek is right in front of you.