Ten of Wands


Ten of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

The finish line is in sight, and all the work you've been doing is about to pay off. Do what you need to do to keep going for just a little bit longer because these final stages of effort will deliver you to your end goal. Whether you have been working through a relationship, a project, a life event, an emotional state, or anything else, you are almost ready to put the hard work behind you and enjoy the results. That said, be sure that you are not taking on more than you need to. When we approach the end of a cycle, we often feel immense stress to get it all done. It is important to understand that the energy of completion is on your side and you don't need to overdo it. It is all coming together, so instead of letting the stress weigh you down, simply identify how you can finish everything with ease. Where can you ask for help? Where can you give away responsibility? Where can you remove things from your to-do lists? Once you have your action plan in place, get out there and do the dang thing! And don't forget to throw yourself a little party to celebrate afterwards.


Nine of Wands


Page of Wands