Four of Wands


Four of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

You are doing all the magical things, and the Universe is so proud of you. Accept this as a sign of encouragement to keep going, but first, take a moment to pause. Look back on all the progress you have made, all the accomplishments you have achieved, and all the ways in which you have created impact. Pretty impressive right? It really is, so take some time over the next few days to celebrate yourself. This will help magnetize more positivity toward you so that you may continue to rise, serve, and exist in the Highest Light. Additionally, there is a lot of very fertile energy swirling around you at this time. You may be or become "pregnant" with new life of some kind. This can include a new idea, a new project, or a new physical pregnancy. Be sure to keep this in mind as you move through your days, accepting the energy where you want it and taking precautions in areas where you don't.


Three of Wands


Five of Wands