Knight of Wands
Knight of Wands Tarot Card Meaning
You're doing amazingly well, so keep on going! Things may feel a bit overwhelming at the moment, either from too much to do or from the excitement of your progress (or both!). But, do not allow your passion to throw you off course. The Universe is encouraging you to remain grounded in each moment, focus on a single next step, and simply put one foot in front of the other. You do not need to invest energy in thinking about what might happen tomorrow or in a month or even in a year. Right now, keep your awareness on the fact that with each step you take, you are moving closer and closer to your dreams. This does not mean that you need to move particularly quickly or slowly. Rather, go at your own pace and channel your focus toward one individual task at a time. Watch as you make huge strides in your journey. Celebrate your wins as they come and let your growing confidence continue to propel you forward.