Five of Wands


Five of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

There is conflict in the energy, and it may feel like nothing is going quite right. Whether you are noticing lots of external conflict (such as arguments, miscommunication, or betrayal) or internal conflict (such as anxiety, confusion, or overwhelm), there is no question that somehow, the energy is off. It is likely that this conflict has been brewing for quite some time and is finally coming to the surface. This is a good time to take a step back so you can see your current situation from a zoomed out lens. What are the roots of the problem that need to be healed? How can you approach the conflict differently? Where can you invite more compassion? Where do you need to remove yourself completely? After this shift in perspective, revisit the experience with grace, presence, clarity, and understanding so that you may resolve it once and for all.


Four of Wands


Six of Wands