Six of Cups


Six of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

The child within you is ready to be seen, healed, nurtured, and loved. Your Spiritual Team is holding your hand as you face the places that you may have pushed aside over the years. This could include anything from bullying to embarrassment to shame to unworthiness to the fear of disappointing others. In order to understand what is asking to be resolved, check in with where you're feeling triggered. Who or what is causing you discomfort? It is likely that your triggers are actually striking inner child wounds that need love and resolution. Now is a time to outgrow any lingering feelings that are holding you back. Trust that you have the strength to heal and leave the pain in the past. More generally speaking, the Universe is inviting you to be kinder to yourself at this time. Speak to yourself as you would a child, and give yourself the grace, forgiveness, playfulness, and compassion that you deserve.


Five of Cups


Seven of Cups