Five of Cups


Five of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

The despair that comes when things don't go how we'd planned can lead us to believe that we should give up because things will never go right again. But what’s important to know is that there is positivity in every situation. The Universe wants you to trust that even though you are facing some adversity, there are hidden gems of value in this experience. What is going right? What valuable lessons did this teach you? What do you have to be grateful for? Could this actually be a blessing in disguise? Invest some energy into finding the positive aspects of this situation. Once you do, you will confidently see a way forward that will bring you more love, support, and abundance than you ever thought possible. Don’t forget that the Universe has a Divine plan for you, and each step in your journey is designed to elevate you. With every new challenge comes an opportunity to learn an important lesson that will serve as the foundation for your future success. You got this.


Four of Cups


Six of Cups