Queen of Swords
Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meaning
You have earned your place to make the decisions for your kingdom, and others need to honor your boundaries. You need space to create the transformation you seek, so if you feel that people are infiltrating your territory, verbally and energetically reestablish your expectations. This is the only way that you will be able to continue to rule with the results-driven action that you do. When making decisions, turn inward to hear your wisdom, including both your intuition and your mind. You are also encouraged to integrate spiritual practices such as journaling or meditation into your decision making. This will allow you to access deeply stored knowledge from your life lessons and from your Highest Self. After you have received your guidance and feel confident in your path forward, trust that you have the experience, expertise, and grace to speak your truth without offending others. They respect you and trust your judgement. Don't feel the need to over explain or justify your choices. Rather, speak with clarity and concision, and let the magic unfold.