King of Swords
King of Swords Tarot Card Meaning
There are likely a lot of things changing at this time, and you are the one who needs to lead yourself and others into the next phase. It can be overwhelming to have all the weight placed on your shoulders, but the Universe would not put you in this role if you were not equipped to handle it. Think of how much you have transformed over the years, gathering experience, skill, and deep wisdom along the way. Even though your emotions may be clouding your mind, know that you can do this. Practice some self soothing in order to come back into neutrality. This is the place where you can hear your thoughts clearly and from where you should be making decisions right now. Try your best to remain unbiased and to gather all the information before you make a ruling. You can work alone or get help from an expert, but remember that you are the one who should be leading the charge. Remain calm, focused, and truthful, and you cannot go wrong.