Six of Pentacles


Six of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

There is a balance of giving and receiving and knowing how your scale tips at the moment is key. Pause and take a deep round of breath. Now ask yourself, “Where am I in a position to give?” and “Where do I need to receive?”. You will likely find that because you already give so much, you need more support than you might have thought. Understand that this does not make you weak. Instead, receiving from others will fill you back up and allow you to reserve what you need for yourself so that you then have enough to share back with them. Pssst… Want to know the secret ingredient to creating the perfect balance of giving and receiving? It’s gratitude. When you freely give your time, money, humor, or skill to someone who needs it, the other person’s gratitude for your offering will ignite the flow of abundance back to you. When you express gratitude for the kindness you receive from another, you are telling the Universe what serves you best and you begin to welcome more of that into your life. Finally, when you express gratitude for all that you have right now, you come to realize that you do have enough and that life is pretty darn beautiful.


Five of Pentacles


Seven of Pentacles