Seven of Pentacles


Seven of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

Just because you haven't achieved all your goals yet does not mean that you should give up. No. Now is the time to practice patience, trust the process, and continue to nurture what you’ve been working towards. It can get tiresome, frustrating, or disheartening to put in so much work and not see tangible results, but trust that your efforts are creating a positive impact. Think of yourself as the farmer that sows seeds over miles of land. A passerby might scoff at what they think is a wasteland. But little do they know that under the surface of the earth, those seeds are working every single day. With nourishment from their farmer, they will soon bloom and be ready for harvest. Make sure that you are investing energy in your own personal nourishment so that you can also grow and bloom. In this in-between moment, take some time to evaluate your goals and your action plans. If they aren't working for you, don't be afraid to adjust your path so that you can create the lasting results you want. One day soon, you will harvest your bounty, and it will continue to provide for years to come. Keep on keepin’ on.


Six of Pentacles


Eight of Pentacles