Guided Meditation for Balance & Peace ⚖️ Eclipse & New Moon in Aries Energetic Support
Welcome to this Reiki-charged guided meditation intended to help you cultivate balance and peace in your life. Please start by finding a comfortable seat or lying down on your back or side, and just settle into your space.
Begin by taking a deep inhale, and release it with an exhale. Repeat this process one more time, focusing on the balance of your breath—the perfect balance of the inhale with the exhale.
Now, bring your awareness into your third eye space, located in the center of your forehead. See if you can relax that space, releasing the eyebrows, forehead, and moving down through the face, releasing the jaw, eyes, eyelids, mouth, tongue, throat, the back of your head and neck, and your shoulders. Let this beautiful relaxation move through your entire body, feeling it fall heavy yet supported, finding a balance of weight and lightness in the support.
Bring your awareness back up into the third eye space and envision yourself in a beautiful place. This place can be real or imagined, somewhere you've been or want to go—a safe, happy place in your mind's eye. Fully surrender and enjoy being in this place, noticing what brings you peace, happiness, and balance. Is it the space, solitude, or an empty schedule? What beings, things, or energies in this happy place allow you to feel at peace?
Now, in this state of peace and balance, notice a beautiful pond in front of you. Walk towards the pond and look inside, realizing that it is a portal into your day-to-day life and reality. Dive deeper into this pond and be honest with yourself about what you see in your daily life. Take note of what does not bring you peace or make you feel balanced. Also, recognize that sometimes, when you do feel peace, you are pulled out of balance. Are the things that pull you out of balance changeable? Are they inevitable and require a change in your mindset? Are they moments you unintentionally or subconsciously create?
Observe what makes you feel unbalanced and what pulls you out of your peace without judgment. Now, imagine that this pond is a magical portal where you can shift and manipulate your reality. What would you do to alter the situations, mindsets, and energies that pull you out of your peace and balance? Feel free to reach through that portal and make those changes now, taking the first step towards a more balanced life. Remember, there is no judgment or anger, just observation and adjustment.
After making your adjustments or taking note of what you will adjust, as you come back to this reality, step away from the pond and return to your beautiful, safe space—your peaceful place. Notice if there is anything you would like to take with you back to your reality—any lessons, symbols, or even this practice. You have permission to take it with you as you start to come back into your body.
Bring awareness back into the support and lightness, finding balance between groundedness and connection, effort and ease, productivity and rest, and movement and surrender. Understand that balance is not always even or 50/50. Give yourself permission to let your energy move where it needs to move in order to keep the peace within, resulting in holistic balance every day.
Breathe into this energy of peace, groundedness, and connection. When you're ready, slowly start to move your body and blink your eyes open. Feel free to write down anything that came through for you—any action steps or aha moments that you would like to remember.
Thank you so much for being here today, or this evening, or whenever you're listening to this meditation. Sending so much love and light your way, and I look forward to connecting again soon.
Sending so much love and light your way.
With gratitude,
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TODAY article: The Best Tarot Cards for Beginners
Oprah Daily article: What is Distance Reiki?