Ground Your Energy Reiki Guided Meditation with Body Scan, Root Chakra Activation, Earth Connection

Hi, beautiful soul! Welcome to your Reiki-charged guided meditation, intended to help you ground your energy back into the Earth, so that you can move forward in peace, presence, and love. Please begin by finding a comfortable seat with your spine upright or lying flat on your back, settling into your space. Maybe move your body around so that you feel very comfortable and supported by whatever you are sitting or laying on. As you begin to settle into this space, I invite you to take a few rounds of deep breaths, just to bring you into the present moment - this moment that you have chosen for yourself to reground your energy. Here and now, inhaling... exhale, let it out. Inhale... exhale, let it out... yeah… One more time, inhale... exhale, let it out... 

And as you sink deeper into your space, bring your awareness into your body, scanning your body from the top of your head, at the crown, moving down through your forehead, relaxing the space between your hairline and your eyebrows, coming down into the eyes, seeing if you can soften the eyes just a little bit more. Coming into the cheekbones and the jaw, can you release any tension, any clenching in the jaw? Can you relax your tongue? Can you soften the neck muscles, the throat? Coming down into the shoulders, releasing any tension there. Moving into the back body, how can you soften your back and let it sink deeper, either along the support of the spine or into the support underneath you if you are lying down? Move to the front body, with the chest, how can you open yet release any tension in this chest? Letting it soften and soften... coming into the belly, letting any tension in the belly release. Coming down into the pelvis and the hips, the low back, letting it soften, soften, soften... moving through the thighs, surrendering any tension you have in the muscles, any tightness in the knees, in the shins, in the calves, in the ankles, in the toes... and finally coming back up into the shoulders, the arms, and the fingers. Let your entire body, which houses this beautiful soul that works so hard for you every single day, relax. 

Bringing your awareness now into the lower part of your tailbone... here lies your root chakra, from which you ground. I'd like you to imagine, in this root chakra at the base of your spine, the bottom of your pelvis, this beautiful ball of light - any color that is accessible for you to visualize right now. Let that come into your mind's eye. The root chakra is traditionally red, but maybe you see a different color, maybe you see white or maybe you even see a rainbow of colors down in the root. Allow this energy to start to glow, this light to start to glow brighter and brighter. And as it does, you notice just at the bottom of this ball of light, beautiful roots starting to move down, down, down, out of the root chakra and growing into the Earth, going into the beautiful topsoil, and then cutting down even further into every single layer of the soil. Maybe moving through rocks, maybe moving through other roots that have been there for longer, but your roots navigate their way down, down, down through each layer of the Earth, going all the way through Mother Earth's energy, until eventually your roots meet the core of the Earth. Imagine Mother Earth's core, this beautiful energetic heart. Maybe this heart is beating, and as your roots connect into Mother Earth's heart, the core energy diffuses. Maybe these roots go in through the Earth's core, or maybe they wrap around it. There is no correct way to connect, so allow your energy, your roots, to do whatever it is they want to do, taking note as a passive observer of how your energy wants to fuse. Maybe feeling the heartbeat of the Earth, beating, beating, beating, energy back up into your roots, moving this energy all the way back up, up, up, through every layer of the Earth, coming back up, up, up, up, up, into your root chakra at the base of your spine, the bottom of your pelvis - this beautiful space that allows you to ground but that also shares energy upward through the rest of your body. So, all of this beautiful energy that you receive from the Earth, this grounding energy, letting it move up, up, through your belly, your heart, your throat, your head, and letting all of the energy that might be feeling light or too floaty - that happens often in the head with anxiety, worry, stress - letting this energy merge with the Earthly grounding love that came from the core of the Earth, that moved through your body into the head. Imagine that Earthly energy is like a magnet, and any vibration that is not serving you, any busy energy that does not help you feel good, is magnetized to this Earth Energy. This Earth energy that is now up in your head but that is taking away the stress, the worry, any non-serving energy, allowing it to connect to it and beginning to pull it back down. This Earth energy as it is connected and continues to magnetize any energy not serving you, letting it move through the head, the neck, the heart space, the belly, back down and out through the root, giving it back to the Earth. Not feeling guilt for shedding it to her, but rather expressing gratitude for her willingly accepting it. For when you share your burdens with the Earth, she accepts this energy and recycles it, transforming it into a higher frequency that is shared with you. Now, imagine that as you're continuing to release any stagnant or non-serving energy out of your body as it moves through the root back down into the core of the Earth, she is recycling it, transforming it, and then transmuting it back to you, but in a higher frequency, having completely cleansed it and sharing it back with you in connection, in love, and in purity. Receiving this high vibrational energy now and imagining it floating through your body, dancing through your body, if possible, in a white, silver, or golden light - the root chakra down through the legs, the feet, up through the pelvis, the belly, the heart, the throat, the head, the shoulders, the arms, the hands - dancing through the body, restoring your energy in a high frequency, yet in a grounded, connected high frequency, allowing you to move forward with purpose, with intention, with peace, and with love and connection. Taking a deep round of breath here, letting this energy fuse with you, you put it out, integrated in... One more time, bringing your awareness back into your body and last inhale and exhale, bringing you back into your space. When you're ready, slowly start to invite some movement back into your body, maybe stretching, maybe bringing your awareness back to that support beneath you, and not only what you're sitting or laying on, but also the Earth underneath you - that constant connection that is always there. Giving gratitude for that support now... And when you're ready, blinking your eyes open, coming back into your awareness, allowing you to be here now. Thank you so much for joining me for this Reiki-charged guided meditation, in which we re-grounded your energy, cleansed it of everything not serving, and allowed Mother Earth to share her energy back with you. In so much love, light, and gratitude, I look forward to connecting with you again soon.

Sending so much love and light your way. 

With gratitude,


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