Two of Pentacles


Two of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

Your to-do list may be long, but unless you give yourself a break and prioritize your tasks, you will be too exhausted to ever get the whole thing done. Pull back and pause. You don't need to do it all right now. In fact if you try to, you will probably end up having to repeat tasks that you rushed through the first time. Sit down and make a list of the top three things that must get done today. Then, repeat that for every day of the week. You may even like to add time blocks to each task so that you have a healthy time management schedule. If you feel like you are on the brink of a breakdown, take heart. This overwhelm is temporary. As with all of life, there are surges of energy that go up and down like the ocean. Do not let your fear of being swept up by the current distract you from the fact that you know how to swim. Make organized moves so that you can ride the waves in enjoyment rather than in stress. Look for happiness in the small moments and in the mundane tasks. These little pieces make up a whole life, and that is something to be grateful for.


Ace of Pentacles


Three of Pentacles