Page of Pentacles
Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning
While your intuitive strength is a key tool in your journey, right now you are being called to tap into your logic. Use your brain to visualize your big dreams and then create an action plan to bring them into reality. This is the time to examine the more tangible aspects of your life, paying special attention to what you’d like to create more of. Is it money? A new business? Deepened knowledge? More free time? A new home? Whatever it may be, understand that the only way to manifest these items is through focus and dedication. That said, you are in a very expansive energy. If you feel inspired to try new things, study new topics, or take exciting yet calculated risks, go for it! This is your brain exposing you to more tools that you can one day use to your benefit. Lead with the head and remain inspired by the heart. Everything you’re working towards will be here soon.