Nine of Pentacles
Nine of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning
Divine Feminine energy is flowing to you in celebration of all your hard work. Even if you haven't completely finished your task, look how far you have come! You've connected with your intuition, you've created financial abundance, and you've cultivated holistic wellness in the mind, body, and soul. Let yourself radiate in the magic and do something special to reward yourself. If you're not feeling the flow yet, don’t worry. It’s on its way to you; it’s just moving at a slower pace. This is intentional because it wants you to meet it halfway. In order to do so, you must nurture the more delicate places of your soul and reconnect with your truest self. Offer compassion to your heart, express love for your body, and most importantly, silence your inner critic. Negative self talk will only hinder your impending success. Instead of giving it power by listening to it, replace every unhelpful thought with the mantra, "I am capable and worthy of cultivating a beautifully abundant life for myself." That’s the truth, dear one. Go do it!