King of Pentacles


King of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

Your leadership, expertise, and grace are the foundation for a beautifully abundant life. To create it, take this time to look at your finances, projects, and relationships to make sure that everything feels aligned. You may want to put final plans in place to complete your goals, invest your money so you can expand your wealth, manage your time and energy so you don’t burn out, prioritize communication to promote ease in your relationships, or simply give gratitude for the abundance you’ve already manifested. Wherever you’re called, understand that you’ve already done the hard work and that this is a supplemental step that will support your prolonged success. If you are not feeling in your fullest power right now, work to rebuild your confidence and direction. Try repeating a mantra similar to, “Holistic abundance flows to me with effortless ease.” Then, trust that you are worthy and capable of creating bounty in all areas of life. You have the wisdom, experience, and natural talent to transform your ideas into reality, so stay focused and go do it all.


Queen of Pentacles