Four of Pentacles
Four of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning
It may feel like you need to hold on very tightly to everything in your life right now, as if one single move might cause it all to crumble. However, please trust that you are safe to surrender. You have the ability to do it all with ease rather than with extreme effort. Work to silence any old stories, non-serving thought patterns, or external pressures that are making you feel like you need to micromanage your situation. Then, take inventory of where you can loosen your grip. Pay attention to areas that make you feel nervous that you don’t have enough, scared that you won’t meet expectations, unsettled about impending change, or worried about losing what you’ve worked so hard for. Next, shift your mindset from lack to abundance, understanding that you are a part of an infinite Universe that has no limitations. In order to feel secure stepping into that expansive energy, you may like to review your circumstances first. For example, check that you have rent covered, and then trust that you can take yourself to dinner. Process your thoughts well, and then trust that you can share them clearly. Notice that things are better than they may seem, and then trust that you can let go of such a rigid structure. Remember, it is only with an open palm that you are free to give and receive.